So back i go to the doctors. Back and forth to specialists and the hospital for blood work. Scans, and meds and X-rays OH MY! Thank goodness for Canada and it's medical system.
Seems that we are now leaning towards believing it is Lupus i am dealing with and with a healthy dose of Fibro/Chronic Fatigue on top of it.
The oddest thing happens however when you are dealing with pain and health issues... something that you wouldn't expect. At least it happened to me. I began to appreciate what i have health-wise moreso than i did when i was pre-fibro. Even though i am not as healthy as i was back then, i am so much more grateful for every part of my life that i have.
I have tried a lot of different medications to help deal with the pain and fatigue so far to limited or no success... some drugs made me feel so ill that i couldn't even take them long enough to see if they helped at all. I want to introduce you however to the one thing that has helped tremendously!
This is the fabulous (and sleepy in this picture) Miss Stella Rosa-Bella the pug. She is the newest member of the Square family. You dump a bundle of ridiculous pug puppy in your lap on a sore day and they warm your heart. They make you laugh and they trigger the brain to release neuro-chemicals that are proven to make you feel better as well as actually be healthier. Holding a sweet pup or a new born infant is better for your well being than almost anything there is.
So... be positive, be thrilled with every ounce of goodness you have around you and GO HUG A PUG!
printable thank yous!
11 years ago